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OFSTED Inspection 2023

We recently had OFSTED visit our setting. It was a very positive experience and we were thrilled to receive our ‘Meets requirements’ grading. Unlike educational settings there is no level accredited to the results.

The OFSTED official had some very complimentary things to say about us, which included:

Children arrive at the club full of enthusiasm. They are confident and happy to see friends and members of staff.

The Manager is reflective and aims to provide a welcoming environment, which supports all children. She wants the children to enjoy their time at the club and is keen to gather their views. Staff know the children and their individual personalities well, including their likes and dislikes. This helps staff plan activities that they know will engage and interest children in their play experiences.

Staff establish positive relationships with parents. They inform parents about what their children are doing through apps and conversations. Staff share what children have enjoyed doing at the end of each day. They pass on any information from teachers about children’s time at school. Parents speak highly of the staff and say their children are happy to come and enjoy the activities the staff provide.

Staff are good role models. They speak gently to children and treat them with respect.

Staff support children to develop a high level of understanding and respect for other peoples’ similarities and differences outside of their own communities. This includes others’ race and cultures.

All the staff were thrilled with this result and very proud to be recognised for their hard work.